Cooking for You
Healthy Creative Cooking Classes Online
Our natural cookery training is a process of becoming more intuitive in your meal preparations, whether for yourself, your family or friends. Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek physician who is considered to be the father of medicine famously said: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" and what better way to good health than being able to cook wholesome nourishing meals!
Our Zoom cooking classes are live, interactive and hosted over Zoom, a video conferencing software. You can take a cooking class with us at Love Great Life in the comfort of your kitchen through this live-streaming virtual platform taught by personal celebrity chef Jamie Trevena.
Whether you're a newbie in the kitchen or a lover of all things clean-food, online plant-based macrobiotic inspired cooking classes
Natural Culinary Arts: The Chef School
Learn to cook stunning Macro-Bowls
The term ‘macro bowl refers to a balanced plate based on the principles of the macrobiotic diet (if you are curious about macrobiotics, this class is a great start!)
It typically includes whole grains, leafy greens, healthy fat, seaweed, cooked vegetables, pickles, plant-based protein, seeds and nuts.
You will learn how to prepare ingredients in advance which makes the actual mealtime preparation only minutes.
The macro bowls change with the seasons and there is so much room for creativity within the basic templet.
The beauty of the macro bowl is that you can very easily customize it to your own taste.
Macro bowl template:
whole grain: eg. brown rice, quinoa
leafy greens: eg. kale, spinach, chard, Chinese cabbage, broccoli
protein eg. tofu, beans, tempeh
healthy fat; eg. cold-pressed sesame oil, pumpkin seed or avocado oil
cooked vegetables: sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin
pickles: eg. sauerkraut, miso
sauce, or drizzle: eg. tahini, tamari, sesame seeds, fresh herbs